Computers can also detect and measure the difference between colors with very high accuracy. The human vision is a very intricate piece of organic technology that involves our eyes and visual cortex, but also takes into account our mental models of objects, our abstract understanding of concepts and our personal experiences through billions and trillions of interactions we’ve made with the world in our lives.ĭigital equipment can capture images at resolutions and with detail that far surpasses the human vision system.
However, in the background, a very complicated process takes place. Those are two very easy tasks that any person with below-average intelligence and above the age of six or seven could accomplish. Now, if I told you to describe the picture below, you would probably say, “It’s the picture of a family picnic” again without giving it a second thought. If I asked you to name the objects in the picture below, you would probably come up with a list of words such as “tablecloth, basket, grass, boy, girl, man, woman, orange juice bottle, tomatoes, lettuce, disposable plates…” without thinking twice. Computer vision technology enables computers to detect people and objects in images (source: YouTube)