Moreover, the system of 5-star rating is also used in Asphalt 8 as used in the previous series Asphalt 6 and 7. In it, there is an option to control the movement with a tilting device. First is Tilt to steer in which player has the option to auto accelerate with the device tilting. In it, a player has four options to control the car. Gameplay Of Asphalt 8 Airborne For PC is like the previous game Asphalt 7. There are different environments are also add in this game you will like this also. The graphics of this game are unique and seeable. You can listen to that music if u like otherwise you can mute that. Asphalt 8 Airborne is the best racing game and its background music is in different languages. This the eighth series in Asphalt Airborne series. Asphalt 8 Airborne Highly Compressed hereĪsphalt 8 Airborne Highly Compressed is a fun racing video game.